How We Set The Right Expectations

How Do We Set Your Remodeling
Project Up For Success?
With Crystal Clear
Are you the type of person who considers being organized a good thing? Most of us are. And whether or not you’re organized, you want people you hire to embody this character trait.
This goes double for any companies you hire.
You want them focused and on task from start to finish. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, you should be looking for a home remodeling contractor who sets up your project for success even before your first meeting with them.
That’s what we do at Executive Remodeling. We set crystal clear expectations, and then we follow through.
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Before You Ever Meet With Us
After scheduling a consultation with Executive Remodeling, we start the process immediately. Before our meeting, you’ll receive an email from us with a plethora of information about what to expect.
We do this to be open and communicative upfront.
Within the initial email, you’ll receive information, including what to expect and what the process is like. We want you prepared for our first meeting – knowing what will happen and when.
Setting Clear Expectations Upfront
When we meet for the first time, we’ll sit down with you and have a conversation.
This is where we’ll find out precisely what you want and learn about your vision for your home. We look to fully understand your remodeling project goals and what you want to achieve.
Are you looking for a kitchen remodel? Or a room addition?
It could be just part of your home that you want remodeled, or it could be a whole house remodel – transforming your home into something completely new.
We’ll discuss the entire process from start to finish during our first meeting – everything that’s going to happen from that day forward through project completion.
After that, we’ll draw up plans and an estimate before we meet with you again. And you’ll also get an idea of how long your project will take.
Some homeowners think, for example, that a kitchen remodel only takes a couple of weeks. It’s vital that we let them know upfront that a kitchen remodel takes ten to twelve weeks.
We feel you have to know information like that when making decisions. We don’t want you blindsided by anything.
It’s why we ensure we’re setting CLEAR expectations on day one and even before.
Everything Is Scheduled From Start To Finish
When you choose Executive Remodeling for your home remodel and sign a contract, one of the first things we’ll do is provide you with a selection sheet.
This selection sheet will inform you of everything you will be responsible for choosing. These are all of your design and material selections. That includes anything that you’ll have to decide before we can move forward.
You’ll also be given a schedule. This is how we anticipate your job is going to go, and it’s broken down by phases of construction, including:
- Drywall
- Framing
- Electrical
- Plumbing & More
This will be on a shareable document. It’s updated regularly, and you can access it at any time.
In addition, every Friday, we send an email highlighting what will happen next week. This is another layer of communication we provide to ensure you’re up-to-date and aware of everything happening with your project.
These are all ways we set your home remodeling project up for success. From your initial phone call, we are preparing to deliver fantastic home remodeling results for you.
So, when you need a home remodeling company in the Twin Cities area and want one that’s organized and will set you up for success, contact Executive Remodeling to schedule a consultation.