Bathroom Remodeling For Greater Accessibility

Using Bathroom Remodeling To Make Your
Minneapolis, MN Home More Accessible
Ways To Open Up Your Bathroom Spaces For
Easier, More Accommodating Everyday Use
You can use bathroom remodeling in Minneapolis, MN to achieve a broad range of goals. That includes making your bathroom more accessible. Whether you’re accommodating a family member, friend, or visitor, greater accessibility can make everyday life much simpler.
What’s the best way to make your bathrooms easier to use? That depends on your specific reasons for undertaking your project. But no matter your reasons, there are clear steps you can take to reach your accessibility goals.
Clarify Your Home Remodeling Goals
Before you begin to remodel your Minneapolis bathroom, it’s important to know what you want from your project. For example, do you want to improve general accessibility in your bathroom spaces? Or are you trying to accommodate someone with specific needs?
Knowing these kinds of things makes it easier to brainstorm bathroom ideas. It also simplifies the task of planning your project’s details.
Your goals can also influence who you choose as a bathroom remodeler in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. It’s vital that any provider you choose has experience working on your kind of project.
Calculate Your Bathroom Remodeling Cost
Bathroom remodel costs can vary widely. Certain types of changes may come at a fairly hefty price. Others, however, may be much less expensive to carry out.
Once you know what kinds of changes you want to make, talk to local remodeling companies. A reputable company will provide you with a solid estimate for your particular renovation plans. That way, the final cost of your bathroom remodel won’t come as a surprise.
At Executive Remodeling, we’re happy to help you estimate the cost of your project. With our help, you can set realistic goals while staying within your available budget.
A Bathroom Renovation For Wheelchair Users
Seeking to accommodate wheelchair users? You may need to make some significant changes during your project, including:
- Widening the doorway to a minimum of 32 inches
- Installing a shower designed for wheelchair use
- Changing or even removing the bathroom door
- Installing a wheelchair-friendly vanity/sink
- Removing the bathroom threshold
You may also need to lower the bathroom mirror. Or, as an alternative, you might install an angled mirror.
Bathroom Remodeling For Cane And Walker Users
Need to accommodate cane and walker users during a bathroom remodel? Common tips for this kind of project include:
- Removing the door threshold and all other trip hazards
- Installing permanent grab bars in the shower area
- Installing a taller toilet or a raised toilet seat
- Installing handrails around the toilet
- Installing a zero-threshold shower
- Installing a shower chair
You can also install a shower with a textured, grippy floor to reduce fall risks.
Remodeling For Users With Vision Loss
Want to make a bathroom more accessible to someone with significant vision loss? Some of the changes already mentioned may help. For example, you might want to remove various potential trip hazards.
You may also do other things. One common recommendation is to plan a bathroom design that includes a high-contrast color scheme. This kind of scheme can help users distinguish between different bathroom areas.
A Bathroom Remodel For Limited Upper-Body Mobility
Does a family member, friend, or visitor have limited mobility in their arms or hands? You can also take this into account when planning your project. Potential changes you may need to make include such things as:
- Installing automatic dispensers for soap and toothpaste
- Adding user-friendly shower and faucet controls
- Installing motion- or voice-activated lights
You may also want to install a bidet for easier hands-free toilet use.
Executive Remodeling Is Your Source Of Top-Quality
Bathroom Remodeling Services In Minneapolis
A bathroom remodeling project is an excellent opportunity to create a more accessible space. Some types of projects may be more complicated or costly than others. However, regardless of your situation, you can achieve your goals with careful planning.
To bring those plans to life, you also need a reliable provider of superior remodeling services. The best providers not only understand your project goals. They have extensive experience completing various kinds of projects.
In the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, your source of this kind of dependable expertise is Executive Remodeling. We feature everything you need to plan an effective project. We also have deep experience completing the required work.
Call us today at (612) 333-5577 for a free estimate on your specific accessibility project.