Save Money With Hopkins Bathroom Remodeling

How Bathroom Remodeling Could Save
You Money & Sanity In Hopkins
Let Executive Remodeling Help You
With OurPremier Bathroom
Remodeling Services
Bathroom remodeling in Hopkins is a project that only some homeowners decide on. After all, remodeling your bathroom is a significant investment, and it shouldn’t be something you choose to do on a whim.
If you have been on the fence about remodeling your bathroom, what if we told you that your outdated bathroom could be costing you money? Not only can an outdated Minneapolis/St. Paul bathroom cost you money, but it could also cost you your sanity!
That is why, after a bathroom remodel, many homeowners are surprised at how much better they feel about their homes and how their wallets thank them as well.
The Money A Bathroom Remodel Could Save You
An outdated bathroom is not just an eyesore. It can cost you money as well!
When most people think about a bathroom remodel, they do so because they want something more modern and personalized to their needs. However, the added benefit that should be discussed is how remodeling your bathroom can save you money.
Yes, you will pay for the bathroom remodel. However, the investment pays off in increasing the value of your home and saving money on electricity and water.
Outdated bathrooms often have more water-consuming showers/tubs, sinks, and toilets installed. They are not equipped with the water-saving technology available today.
According to the EPA, families that upgrade to low-flow appliances in their bathrooms can save around 700 gallons of water per year on average. Depending on the rate you pay for water, this could mean substantial savings.
Plus, you are doing your part to be as green as possible by no longer wasting precious water.
Along with water usage, upgrading your bathroom with energy-star items can save on your electric costs. states that by upgrading your appliances, you could save 10% on your energy bills throughout the year.
While we may not consider the bathroom a vast energy stressor in a home, it can be. The lights you use, the hot water heaters that heat your shower water, and even the ductwork in your bathroom can all affect how much you pay for your energy bills.
Ultimately, upgrading your bathroom with the best water-saving and energy-saving items will save you money compared to your outdated bathroom.
How Bathroom Remodeling May Save Your Sanity
When you walk into your current bathroom, what do you feel? Do you relax and enjoy the shower or tub to reduce your stress? Or do you feel even more stressed when you spot a toilet that was popular in the ’70s and a tub that has yellowed with age?
Homeowners often neglect to consider what their outdated bathroom is costing them in terms of their sanity. We all feel stress. Sometimes, a late-night hot shower or a soak in the tub is all you need to feel more rested and ready to handle the next day.
However, if your outdated bathroom does not promote relaxation, your mental health is suffering.
Opting for a bathroom remodel to transform your bathroom into a relaxing oasis is something that you will love for years to come. While it may cost money upfront, you can bet that it will save your sanity.
How To Ensure Your Bathroom Remodel In
Hopkins Pays Off In The Long Run
There are several ways to ensure that your bathroom remodel will save you in the long run. Here are a few ideas to consider when you plan your remodel with the designer!
1. Opt For Energy Efficient Items Throughout Your Bathroom
When choosing your toilet, tub, shower, faucets, and other items, be sure to opt for items that have conservative water flows. There is no point in wasting water, like your outdated bathroom has done for years.
Upgraded items only use as much water as necessary to complete the job, minimizing water waste.
Even when opting for conservative water items, you will still find options that appeal to the relaxation side of your bathroom.
Well-insulated large tubs that keep the water warm while you soak, shower heads with rainwater settings to help relax you, and much more are items you can include in your new and improved bathroom.
In addition, opt for energy-efficient lighting to help reduce your electric bill. Consider your lighting needs and work with your professional to find the best solution.
2. Upgrade Your HVAC System
Work with a professional who can also help with your HVAC system. It could be that the layout of your ductwork is not allowing heat or air to get into your bathroom correctly, and it can result in higher energy bills as the system works to heat or cool the bathroom.
You will also want to ensure that your bathroom has an adequate ventilation system to help absorb moisture and avoid future issues.
3. Ensure Your Bathroom Will Grow With You
When remodeling a bathroom, keep the future in mind and plan accordingly. That is why many homeowners opt for walk-in tubs or showers in their bathrooms to plan for when they are older and may have mobility issues.
Others know they will have kids or grandkids in their home, so they opt for a beautiful tub/shower combination for the best of both worlds.
By planning for the future with your bathroom remodel, you ensure you get the most bang for your buck, saving you from having to remodel again in twenty years or so.
Beautiful Hopkins Bathroom Remodeling
From Executive Remodeling
If your outdated bathroom is getting on your nerves and draining your wallet, it’s time to consider a bathroom remodel. Executive Remodeling offers bathroom remodeling to those in the Hopkins area. We work with you to determine what you want and design this according to your ideas.
You won’t be sorry that you invested in a bathroom remodel. Call us today at (612) 333-5577 for your free consultation.