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How To Keep Your Pets Comfortable During A Whole Home Remodel

Helpful Tips On Keeping Your Pets
Comfortable During Your Maple
Grove Whole Home Remodel
Making Your Four-Legged Friends
Feel At Home While Remodeling
Our four-legged friends endure a lot with us. But when it comes to whole-home remodeling for your Maple Grove home, the stress of the process may prove too challenging for them to handle.
It’s important to consider the safety and well-being of your pets when considering a whole home remodel. Not only will the house be turned upside down, but there will also be a lot of noise. Strangers – at least to your pets – will be present in your home almost daily.
When you consider all these factors from your pets’ perspectives, it can be easy to see why whole home remodeling will be so difficult for them.
The good news is that you can take some steps to ensure your pet is as comfortable as possible during this period. Some tips include keeping them active, taking them to fun, familiar places during the day whenever possible, and introducing them to the people who will be inside your home during remodeling.
Keep your pets comfortable with our top tips from Executive Remodeling.
The Importance Of Keeping Your Pets Comfortable
During Your Whole Home Remodel
Unlike us, your pets don’t understand what’s going on during whole home remodeling. To them, strangers constantly coming and going turn their world upside down.
Remodeling is a stressful situation that can cause your pets a lot of distress, making them susceptible to illness and destructive habits such as chewing.
Ensuring your pet’s comfort during remodeling will help you and your pet have a pleasant experience that will be that much better once remodeling is complete!
Tip 1: Introduce Your Pets To Your Remodeling Team
At The Start Of Your Whole Home Remodel
No one wants strange people coming in and out of their home – least of all, their pets! While you, as the homeowner, know and trust your contractors, your pets don’t. That’s why it’s so important to introduce your pets to anyone who will be in your home during remodeling.
Pets feel more comfortable when they can see – and sniff – those coming in and out of their homes. Introduce your pets at the beginning of the remodel, before the work and the noise begin. That way, they’ll feel more at ease.
Tip 2: Consider Crating Your Pet During The Workday
Your pet’s safety must be a top priority during your home remodel. With workers coming in and out, it’s easy for your pet to slip through an open door.
Crating your pet during the remodeling work will keep your pet safe and calm in its own space.
While your pet might not like being in a crate during remodeling (with so much action and new people to see, who would?), your pet’s safety needs to be paramount.
Tip 3: Introduce And Rotate New Toys And
Treats During Whole Home Remodeling
We don’t know of a pet that doesn’t get excited at seeing a new toy or treat. Since remodeling is stressful, spoil them a little by purchasing special toys and treats.
Make sure to rotate the toys and treats each day so your pet doesn’t get bored with playing with the same thing.
Tip 4: Get Outside During Your Whole Home Remodel
When possible, take your pet outside and away from the construction site during remodeling work. Being in a crate all day is not fun for your pet nor ideal for their well-being.
Take your pet to places they love, like the park, a long walk around town, or the home of a trusted friend or family member. Doing so will keep your pet distracted from remodeling work and help them burn energy so they sleep better and are better rested in the evening.
Tip 5: Hire A Pet Sitter Or Opt For Pet Daycare
During Whole Home Remodeling
If your work schedule makes it challenging to take your pet out during the day when remodeling work is going on, consider opting for pet daycare or a pet sitter to keep your pet active and entertained during the day.
There are many trusted websites where you can find reputable pet sitters in your area. Pet daycares are also available, where you can drop your pet off so your pet can have an active day of fun during remodeling.
For The Best Whole Home Remodeling In Maple Grove,
Homeowners Trust Executive Remodeling
With more than 60 years of combined experience, we at Executive Remodeling know how to make our customers happy. Our high-quality materials, high standards, and seamless process ensure you’ll love your whole home remodel.
If you’re considering upgrading your home with a whole home remodel in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, call Executive Remodeling at (612) 333-5577 or visit us online to schedule your consultation.